Country: USA
Domestic League: Puma Pro16
W-L: 4-1
05/19/2024 71 - 57 at 1 Family 1 Family
05/18/2024 58 - 43 vs AAO Flight AAO Flight
05/17/2024 48 - 55 vs 1 of 1 Elite 1 of 1 Elite
05/12/2024 60 - 38 vs 1 of 1 LaMelo 1 of 1 LaMelo

Select Basketball ID Records and Stats History

Season League Record Ratings Shooting Stats
Wins Losses % Off Def Net FG% 3P% FT% Team Players
2024 Puma Pro16 4 1 80% 106.7 90.1 16.6 42.00% 28.57% 88.68% team stats player stats